Saturday, December 6, 2008

movie look

two really great movies i saw recently ..... made me cry copious amounts of lachrymal fluid
1) SYBIL U just have to see it. don't look it up. trust me..... MUST-SEE
2) INSTINCT U will identify with dis one if u have a true love 4 nature/animals and/or u share a not-so -gr8 relationship with your parent(s). IF POSSIBLE

and now to cry tears of laughter (not quite) is my next choice:

3) IDIOCRACY Like, uh... seriously funny TIME-PASS

Something I really hate is endorsement from Oscars and such awards only because a movie is based on a subject that will always pull at heartstrings but is not necessarily an outstanding product. What a waste o' time!! One of the above mentioned heartstring-pulling subject is Hitler/Nazism/Jew torture/concentration camps etc... One of the rotten ones

4) DOWNFALL This one's in German so I watched it in mute (:). Well, it dragged on and on and I waited in vain for a shred of anything, anything at all that would be interesting to watch...After all it was about the last few days of Hitler's life! But Alas! I gave up when the film wasn't even finished after 3 hrs... I got my senses back and press the off button. Thank me for warning you. NO WAY IN HELL

Now, for 2 truly truly great romance movies that just made me swoon

5) FOREVER MINE Heartbreaking story that towards the end leaves u at the edge of your seat. The icing: it's got Joseph Fiennes (yummy....) YESSS

6) GREAT EXPECTATIONS No, I haven't read the book but this one is even better, much much better that #5. It's a modern adaptation of the Dickens' classic tale. Just perfect. And Gwenyth Paltrow is beauteous, exquisite, sublime....DO NOT MISS

I adore these quirky, v. interesting films. Offbeat subjects all.

7) EASTERN PROMISES Fairly short, this one's about some Russian baddies one of them an extremely hot Viggo Mortensen. Yup, he has a boxers-only scene too! I could figure out the story long before it ended though. NOT BAD AT ALL

8) SIDEWAYS A rib-tickling (oh, how i hate that word!) roadtrip story bout a pair o' guys on the wine trail. DEFINITELY WATCH

9) SECRET WINDOW Johnny Depp stars as a really eccentric, funny at times, writer who is faced with a plagiarism charge by...that would be a spoiler. Scary at times. MAKE TIME ESP. JOHNNY FANS

10) THE WENDELL BAKER STORY A nice, feel good movie bout a guy who decides to take the straight path after a life of mistakes CATCH IF U CAN

Aahhh Africa.... The foll. 2 beautiful movies are set in diff. African countries. Don't u just love the accents?!

11) GOODBYE BAFANA Joseph Fiennes stars as a racist prison guard whose life is changed by one of the prisoners that he guards... Nelson Mandela. Set in, u guessed it, South Africa REMARKABLE

12) HOTEL RWANDA Don Cheadle stars as a hotel manager who saves many many lives during the great genocide which occurred b'coz of Hutu-Tutsi clashes. Set in, u guessed it, Rwanda. Do tune in to amazing song that plays during the end credits. U WILL BE BLOWN AWAY

13) QUEEN OF THE DAMNED Two words- Sexy Vampires DELICIOUS

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I absolutely LOVED it!!!!